– theory and lab sessions
- function: sum
inputs: a , b (integer)
output is return of the function
Please implement this function in Verilog. function integer sum(input integer a, input integer b);
sum = a + b;
endfunction - two integer arrays
integer intA1[5:0];
integer intA2[5:0];
integer intA3[5:0];
write a for loop to call above ‘sum’ function, to add elements of intA1 and intA2
o put the output to intA3integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i=i+1) begin
intA3[i] = sum(intA1[i], intA2[i]);
end - what is the intention of TB development?
o to check the design behavior matching as per the speficiation
o what do we do in TB?
o generate the stimulus(scenario or inputs) and drive those inputs to the design
o collect the outputs and compare them against expected output values.
o ex:
2×1 Mux
o TB using Verilog - what is the intention of TB development?
o this intention of TB development is same in every language
o Verilog or SV or UVM
o SV provides more constructs - difference between == and === operator?
o == : logical equality operator
o === : case equality operator reg [3:0] a, b;
reg c;
a = 4’b10zx,
b = 4’b10zx,
c = a == b; => c = 1’bx; (unknown)
c = a === b; => c = 1;
– a case equality with b - GVIM
function recording - Simulator
o compilation?
o elaboration?
o adding signals to the wave?
o simulation? o options at different stages
o defining a macro? compilation
vlog +define+WIDTH=10 +define+DEPTH=20
o arguments to be read using $value$plusargs => elaboration
vsim +count=20 +seed=138933
//+ arguemtns: user has to manually use $value$plusargs
vsim +count=20 -sv_seed 138933
o what is meant by +argument and -argument?
+argument: must be read using $value$plusargs
-argument: tool automatically reads those arguments
vsim -novopt -sv_seed 484389
o tool automatically read -novopt, -sv_seed
-novopt: run elaboration without optimization
-sv_seed: user is providing me a seed to use for randomization purpose
o pass a seed value? elaboration time - 7 weeks
o 15 assigments
o 2 assigments per week
[email protected] - Functional verification overview
o why we are learning SV?
o why SV is easier compared to Verilog? - what is the primary objective of functional verification engineer?
o check the design functionality against the design speficiation
o “catching as many design bugs as possible” - VLSI design flow : 12 steps
o product requirements o RTL design
o RTL integration
o Functional verification
o Synthesis
o physical design
o Layout o fabrication
o post silicon validation - driving factors of functional verification
o less time in setting up TB
o more time in developing testcases and debugging failing testcases - USB controller verification
Verilog: 6 months
SV : 4.5 months
o SV provides more language constructs, which makes all the aspects TB development easier
UVM : 3.5 months
o UVM provides pre-implemented classes, which user can use to develop TB components
o summary: user don’t need to develop components from scratch. - summary
o functional verification: TB development is not the primary goal
o main objective: catch as many bugs as possible
o spend a lot of time on testcase development
o spend minimal time on testbench development
o SV and UVM are making it happen - Verilog
o most of the TB goes in to single module
o task and function based code.
o Memory testbench in Verilog
o task, function were used to make code resuable
o Verilog testbench
o do everything in same module, but do them as separate task and functions.
o task, functions is the only and only the best thing we can do in Verilog. SV:
o do everything in different components(not in same module)
o what is that everything refers to?
o generation of scenario ===> scenario generator
o driving scenario to the design ===> driver (BFM)
o monitoring design inputs and outputs ===> monitor
o doing various types of coverages(functional coverage) on the design inputs ==> coverage
o predict the design output ===> reference model(generates the reference output)
o compare this output with actual design output ===> checker
o keep track of how many matches and mismatches, based on that report the test status ===> scoreboard - SOmeone gives me above TB architecture diagram, ask me to develop in Verilog
o It is very difficult to do.
o Verilog doesn’t recommend(support) a TB architecture with a lot of TB components
o major reason: connecting those components is at port level, it is difficult to do.
o SV is good at developing these kind of TB
o modular TB architecture
o kind of TB developing style where whole functionality is divided in to multiple components. - By product of modularity is reusability.
o - what is the beneftis of modular testbench components?
o project management becomes easier
o since work can be easily distributed
o one component implementation issues doesn’t implement other components
o helps with code reuse
o developing new TBs using existing TBs becomes easier
Simple design:
o 2×1 mux => Verilog Tb is lot easier compared SV TB
o If we take a complex design (USB controller) => Verilog Tb is very difficult to do, SV TB is relatively eaiser.
- DIfference between SV & UVM
o pizza making
o pizza base bread (make it, buy it)
o make the pizza
o UVM will tell in what propotion to add, when to add. - functional ‘verification’
o Backend engineer: verification => physical verification - various components of the TB
2 categories
components used for ‘scenarion generation and driving to the Design:’
o generator
o BFM(driver)
o coverage
components used for ‘checking the design behavior:’
o monitor
o reference model
o checker
o scoreboard
o assertions
o slave model
next 3 months of training is focused on how to develop above 9 compoents efficiently.
- when to close FV?
o 100% testcases passing
o 100% functional coverage
o 100% code and assertion coverage - developing modular testbenches
- verilog, VHDL, SV, UVM
- Verilog and VHDL are not good for modular testbenches.
- SV & UVM are right choice for modular testbenches.
- what is that makes them right for modular testbenches?
o ‘Object oriented programming’ : classes
o for any engineer who does programming, OOP always takes your programming to a next level.
o Python, PERL, C++, SV anything => Why people use OOP => ‘modular’ style
o when you are learning OOP in SV => Give your best possible effort - Things will move quickly => spend enough time to keep up with the training pace
- SV language basic concepts
o how it differs from Verilog?
o data types
o two types
– static data types
o verilog only supports static data types
– dynamic data types
o system verilog supports both static and dynamic data types - ethernet protocol
ethernet frame: haivng length of 42 to 1500 octets Verilog:
reg [7:0] payload[1499:0]; //we need to take in to consideration the biggest possible size SV:
reg [7:0] payload[$]; //Queue
reg [7:0] payload[]; //Dynamic array
o if we want to create frame of 100 octet payload size
payload = new[100]; //only 100 element space will be used
payload = new[200]; //only 200 element space will be used
payload = new[10]; //only 10 element space will be used, 190 element space gets freed up
payload.delete(); //whole space gets freed up- which one is efficient in memory utilization?
o SV
- payload = new[100]; //allocate enough memory to store 100 elements
- memory allocation
- whenever we work wtih dynamic data type
o we need to explicitly tell how much memory to allocate.
29Q. thats is this similar to override concept?
- Verilog has only static data types
o not efficient for memory utilizaiton SV: mix of both data types
o it is very efficient for memory utilizaiton - how do we know which constracts are static and which are dynamic?
integer => static
o memory gets allocated at compile time
o integer based variables require 32 bit of space
byte b; => static => 8 bit space integer intA[]; //dynamic array
32Q. new [100] –> new [200] means memory will incresed or it will be delete previous 100 loactions ?
intA = new200; //it will retain exisitng 100 location values of intA
intA = new[200]; //it will create all 200 elements with default values(doesn’t retain existing values)
- different phases of data type usage
- definition
o language provided
o user defined - instantiation
- creation
- randomization
- integer a; typedef reg [3:0] nibble_t; //4 bit vector => nibble_t is an example of user defined data type
nibble_t b; //b is 4 bit vector - integer a;
a = new(); //not required, because 32 bit memory is already allocated to ‘a’
o for all static data type, we don’t need to use new byte b;
b = new(); //not required integer intA[];
intA = new[5]; //dynamic => hence we are using new to allocate memory - new gets used in different styles of for different dynamic constructs
eth_pkt pkt = new();
int intDA = new[200];
– without doing new, we can’t use intDA - randomization
o for a verification engineer, why randomization is important?
o same electronic device => gets used differently by different people
o kind of inputs we apply to the devices are random in nature.
o how to get similar behavior during the verififcaiton? randomization o Verilog
$random, $urandom_range(100, 200) o SV
$random, $urandom_range
randomize - Verilog
o no pre-impelmented methods in Verilog SV:
o every construct has a lot of pre-impelmented methods
o construct: mailbox (~similar to FIFO)
o FIFO in verilog
module FIFO(ports); //we need to do from scratch
parameter DEPTH=16;
//funcitonality => 100 lines of code
endmodule FIFO #(.DEPTH(100)) u1(port connection); @(posedge clk); wdata=$random; wr_en = 1; so on o SV mailbox mbox = new(100); //mbox with size 100 gets allocated(created) mbox.put(15); mbox.put(37);
39Q. This mailbox can we use in design also?
o no
o mailbox is non-synthesizable
o it is only TB development purpose
40Q. SV can be used for design?
– yes
– SV has constructs which are for design purpose
o always(verilog) => always_comb, always_ff, always_latch(SV)
– SV has otehr constructs which are for testbench development purpose only
o OOP, dynamic array, associative array, queue => TB development
41Q. Is mailbox just like queue?
o mailbox is simular to FIFO
o queue : many things are possible
o push front, push back
o pop front, pop back
o insert
o shuffling
o reverse
o mailbox behvior is subset of queue behavior
- int intQ[$];
intQ.pop_front(a); //wrong usage
a = intQ.pop_front(); //correct usage intQ.insert(10); //wrong usage
//we should be giving two arguments
intQ.insert(3, 10); //correct usage
at 3 index, insert 10 - if method is a function, then it will return of funciton
- if method is a task, then it will return of task output argument
- Introduction to SV
o how SV differs from Verilog - SV advantage comes majorly due to lot of added constructs
o Object oriented programming
o data types
o operators
o procedural statements
o inter process synchronization constructs
o functional coverage constructs
o assertions
o interface, modport, clocking block
…. - SV language basic concepts
- data types
o static data type
o dynamic data type - different stages in which data types are used
o definition
o instantiation
o creation
o randomization - SV implements all the constructs, also provides methods(task and functions) to use these constructs.
queue: push_back, push_front, pop_back, pop_front
- Memory Allocation and De-allocation
- Handle
o pointer in C language - mailbox handle
- Who allocates the memory?
o memory is allocated by the simulator
o starting location of the memory allocated, is called as ‘handle’ - mailbox mbox = new(); //allocating memory to the mbox
- C programming
int a;
*a => pointer to the memory allocated ‘a’
There is no *a concept
a will refer to both value and pointer(handle) based on the context, how it is getting used.
- string a; //a is not a SV keyword
string cover, class; //cover and class are SV keywords - dot convention in Verilog
o XMR : Cross module reference
o Verilog only supports
module name, task, function, process name(label) module top; initial begin : P1 begin: P2 integer count; end endtask endmodule top.P1.P2.count
o SV: XMR can be for any type of variables
o Backdoor access when we use it on RTL code. - `include “fa.v”
o fa.v code gets included in to current file /*
start of comment
nexxt comment
last comment
*/ - prototype
o model of actual device function integer sum(input integer a, input integer b); ==> called as function prototype
o prototype tells us, how to use the function. p,q => r
r = sum(p, q);
function void sum(input integer a, input integer b, output integer c); ==> called as function prototype
p, q => r
- arrays
o static
int intA[5:0]; //6 is the size
int intA[-3:-7]; //possible
o dynamic
10Q. is that logic works if two array sizes are different??
assert (wordarr1 == wordarr2) $display(“matched”);
o both arrays should be of same size
o all the elements should match
- $display(“wordarr1=%p”,wordarr1);
packed printing
printing everythin in one place(line)
assert => it tells us which line and file name from which error is getting reported.
o we can clasify the severity
assert(expression) $display(P1);
else $display(P2);
12Q. warining can’t be used outside asserts blocks ?
o $warning can be used outside of assert
13Q. practical applications for array (dynamic/associative/queue) ? mean good way of using depeding on situaion?
o given a speicif cTB compoent or requirement, which type of array will be suitable.
- Verilog drawbacks
- since all data types are static, memory utilizaiton is inefficeient in Verilog.
- verilog works at low level abstraction.
- no preimlement data structures
module fifo();
- DMA controller functional verification
6 months project
end of 2 months: what is the progress with project?
o Functonal coverage: 72%
o Code coverage number: 65%
– we are 70% of the project completion
o assertion coverage - Verilog, every thing in static data type
reg [7:0] payload[1499:0]; //we always declare of 1500 size only
reg [7:0] payload[];
payload = new[100];
function integer sum(module sample1, module sample2); //not possible
//task and function arguemtns can only be eitehr integers and vectors
function integer sum(eth_pkt pkt1, eth_pkt pkt2); //possible
o objects can be passed as arguemtns of task and functions => provides lot of flexiblity
- SV has concept OOP, which makes code reuse possible
- agenda
- literals, array, data type, operators => 2 sessions
- How we can pass dynamic array to a function or task?
- please don’t initialize values and run ?
- Verilog is called as HDL
o primarily Verilog was developed for describing the design behavior
o since design were simple, testbench was also developed using Verilog - Complexity of design
o number of blocks going in to the design
o complexity of blocks
o protocols involved - Verilog langauge is a subset of SV
o I am doing some design development using Verilog
o I am doing some design development using SV => same as above line - SV design constructs = Verilog + some additional design constructs
Verilog: module and task based langauge
o everything in Verilog is viewed in terms of module, task and functions.
SV :
o whole environemtn is viewed as set of components, each of which can represented as an object - Vera
2000-2002 : Vera was developed
Vera is the first OOP functional verification language
VCS simulator supports Vera compilation and simulation
specman e => Cadence aquired
IEEE 1800 standard => C, C++, Vera, Verilog => SV
always @() begin //intention is combinational logic => it ends up infering latch behavior
always_comb @() begin //surely infers combinational logic => Lint checks will catch that incase any coding mistakes
always_latch @() begin //surely infers latch logic =>
8Q. what is Lint check?
- basic set of coding guideliens, which are checked using a Linting tool
module top;
if (a == 10) begin
//Lint checks will tell me that, we have missed else condition above code.
- Literals
o guidelines that needs to be followed while assining the values string name;
name = vlsi; //wrong, we din’t use “”
name = “vlsi”; //correct o int intA[3:0];
intA = 1,2,3,4; //wrong
intA = {1,2,3,4}; //correct
o above rule will be called as ‘array literal’ o int intA[2:0][1:0]; //multi dimensional array
intA = {{1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6}}; o integer a;
a = u; //wrong
a = 10’h10zx; //correct o real r;
r = 2.3; - logic is new data type in SV
o similar to reg
11Q. Packed Printing is valid for unpacked array also?
unpacked array: array in Verilog
12Q. what is the difference ‘{ and {
int intA[4:0][2:0];
intA = ‘{5{‘{1,2,3}}};
14Q. Can we change the indexing starts?
- byte b;
b = 10; //we will call byte as an integer based data type bit [3:0] a;
a = 15; //bit also as a integer based data type - if we do %0h that 000 will not come.. i think
- b=0xx1001zzzz
by keeping MSB print as 0 => indicating that all upper most bits [31:11] positions will be 0’s - signed means only positive numbers?
19Q. how can we represent 11100010 as -30
30 : 16+8+4+2
2’s complement: 1’s complement + 1
8’b1110_0001 + 1 = 8’b1110_0010
2’s complement representaiton:
, but you said for signed numbes, msb represents signed bit?
- verilog
reg, wire
reg: represent discretely driven element
wire: represent continously driven element
= reg and wire are design specific concepts class tx;
reg a; //
//2 new data types are introduced : bit, logic
bit: 2 state variable
logic: 4 state variable - logic is synthesizable
- difference between reg and logic
o multiple drivers => - reg should be used in prcedural block but logic is flexible?
24Q. Why the size of integer is mentioned as >= 32? Can you mention one example where it is greater than 32?
- time
stores value in integer format realtime
stores value in real format
- Literals
- Integer based data types
o 2 state or 4 state
o size
o signed or unsigned
o Verilog or SV - int a;
$display(“a”); //0
integer a;
$display(“a”); //x anytime we declare an int variable, we don’t worry about initialization - bit b; //0
logic b; //x - time and realtime
- void
o function return_data_type function_name(arguments);
endfunction o function void function_name(arguments);
endfunction - assert(anything);
if anything(any expression) evaluates to ‘1’ => assert prints success message
if anything(any expression) evaluates to ‘0’ => assert prints failure message void'(pkt.randomize());
converting 1/0 to void format => ignore the output. - string is an exception, where we don’t need to use ‘new’ constructor to allocate memroy
string name;
//name = new(); //
name = “verilog”; //it automatically allocates 7 char spaces for name(7*8 = 56 bits)
name = “system verilog”; //it automatically resizes to 14 char spaces for name. - len : returns number of chars in string
putc: put char in to the string at a speciifc location
getc: get a char from string at a speciifc location
toupper: convert all chars to upper case
tolower: convert all chars to lower case
compare: compare 2 strings
icompare: compare 2 strings with case insensitive
substr: returns a sub string form string
atoreal: ASCI to real conversion
itoa: integer to ASCI conversion
5Q. is there any method to get array length or size?
Dynamic array: len
Queue: size
6Q. putc is replacing the character. Do we have any method to insert character?
– ex: to insert space at 6th index
- concept of special chars
new line: \n
tab space: \t
to print \ itself: \
to print / : \/
to print ” : \”
to print % : %% - compare
- TB with variable number of sub_env’s, each sub_env should have unique name.
sub_env_0 : “sub_env0”
sub_env_1 : “sub_env1” 10 sub_env: sub_env0 to sub_env9
50 sub_env: sub_env0 to sub_env49 - string
- insert, delete (not provided by SV language)
- reverse
11Q. Inplace of C we can take any other byte name also right ?
- Arrays
- classification based on ‘how’ memory is allocated
- packed arrays
- unpacked arrays
- classification based on ‘when’ memory is allocated
- static arrays
- dynamic arrays